Meet Bruria. She likes pets, chocolates and books. Besides that she is a very talented witch, the good kind, that is...
I made her as a gift for my mom for Passover (She is a witch's doll collector).
The wonderfull pattern is Tone Finanger's design from her
Crafting Springtime Gifts book. I thought it was so pretty, I decided to change nothing and sew her exactly as designed.
I really like the surprised look on her face... Well, not exactly look, rather a hand gesture :).
Here is a close up on her goose. What's a witch without a goose?

and yet, one more look...

Sorry for not posting anything lately. My hubby's nephew has his Bar-Mitzvah this Thursday, so I'm busy sewing outfits for both kids, and if time permits my very first dress.
Chiffon, here I come! (Please keep your fingers crossed, Chiffon is a really tough material to handle).
I have some really cute things I made lately, but will post them next week...
Oh, and almost forgot (Sorry, Max). I won a GREAT blog candy from
Max. It's a set of 3 roses stamps and I can't wait to start using them, especially on fabric! Thank you Max.